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Building a stronger, more united Central America, one book at a time

Established in 2015, Dona un Libro, Cambia una Mente (Donate a Book, Change a Mind) is a nonprofit organization based in Honduras that strengthens Central America’s education by:

  • • Creating and fortifying libraries
  • • Providing school teachers and parents with training
  • • Publishing issue-focused children’s books on themes such as undocumented immigration and environmental protection through our program, Leer es Aprender (Reading is Learning).

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We are about passion for educating our young ones through iniciatives for a better tomorrow, healthier communities and a sense of thrieving the most vulnerable are in need of.

Leer es Aprender

(Reading is Learning) was inspired by our commitment to not shy away from tough issues.

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Donate a Book, Change a Mind has organized massive book fundraisers to create or strengthen libraries across Honduran public schools and communities.